
Large companies have been attending corporate team building events for decades and data shows that off-site experiential learning opportunities translate into happier employees and increased productivity resulting in higher profitability!  Crossroads Ranch loves working with large companies but our passion is in making a real impact with small and mid-sized businesses.

Bring your sales team, your service techs, your front office personnel, your management team and put them in an arena with a horse or two and a challenge they have to work together to resolve and you will be amazed at what they learn about each other and themselves.  The bonds created going through an experience and resolving a problem that no one has the expertise to solve alone can produce astounding results. Business clients report having better inter-team communications, more empathetic conflict resolution skills, more self awareness and increased respect for the strengths of team members.

Let’s get to the Workshop Options!

Each workshop is designed to foster teamwork, communication, skills development in a safe, fun, and supportive environment. Whether you’re planning a family outing, a retreat with friends, or a team building event for colleagues, we have something that will suit your needs!

Option #1 – Direct

Perfect for a quick, engaging experience, ideal for families, friends, or colleagues looking to fit team building into a busy schedule!

  • Briefing & Horse Safety
  • Arena Challenge with Horse(s)
  • Debriefing & Discussion

Duration:  90 minutes


$950/ team

Minimum of 4 participants
Additional cost for more than 10 team members

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Option #2 – influence

Looking for a place to host your company retreat or meeting? This option includes our classroom/conference room rental with a 90 minute team building challenge with the horses.

      • Briefing & Horse Safety
      • Arena Challenge with Horse(s)
      • Debriefing & Discussion
      • Classroom Room Rental. You choose how many hours

Duration:  You choose!


$950/team + Room Rental $15/hour

Minimum of 4 participants
Additional cost for more than 10 team members

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Option #3 – steady

This workshop option provides a more in-depth experience, allowing for greater interaction and learning with our equine partners. 

  • Self Assessment of DiSC & Overview
  • Briefing & Horse Safety
  • Arena Challenge with Horse(s)
  • Debriefing & Discussion
  • Classroom Room Rental included

Duration: Half-day (around 4 hours)


$1800/ team

Minimum of 4 participants
Additional cost for more than 10 team members

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Option #4 – complete

For those looking to immerse themselves fully, our full-day workshops offer comprehensive activities and insights, making them ideal for student groups, corporate teams, business leaders, and more!

  • Full Assessment of DiSC & Overview
  • Briefing & Horse Safety
  • Three Arena Challenge with Horse(s)
  • Debriefing & Discussion
  • Classroom Room Rental included
  • Catered Lunch & Snacks are provided

Duration: Full-day (7 hours)


$4500/ team

Minimum of 4 participants
Additional cost for more than 10 team members

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Benefits & results

Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) team-building workshops offer transformative benefits by leveraging the unique qualities of horses.

These workshops enhance communication, build trust, and improve emotional intelligence within teams through interactive, hands-on experiences. Participants receive immediate, honest feedback from horses, helping them recognize and adjust their behaviors in real-time. The non-judgmental and responsive nature of horses promotes mindfulness and self-awareness, fostering stronger interpersonal connections and teamwork.

Our team building workshops provide memorable, impactful learning opportunities that lead to lasting improvements in team dynamics and performance.


SIgn Up Today!


What type of groups can do a team building workshop?

– Any! The groups can be a minimum of 4 participants and a maximum of 20 participants. Business owners, manager/supervisor and employees, sports team, church groups, women’s groups, emergency services groups, etc.

Do I need prior experience with horses?

– No prior experience with horses is necessary; our expert facilitators will guide you through all activities in a safe and supportive environment.

How many people can participate in a workshop?

– Workshops can typically accommodate groups ranging from small teams of 5-10 people to larger groups of 10-20 participants. 

What should I wear to a workshop?

– Wear comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activities, including closed-toe shoes. You may want to bring a hat and sunglasses if it’s sunny out.

There are horses involved… are the workshops safe?

– Absolutely!! Safety is our top priority at Crossroads Ranch, for both humans and the horses! All activities are supervised by trained professionals, and participants are given thorough horse safety instructions on how to interact with the horses.

Can I sign up for a team building workshop with my friends and family members?

– YES! There must be a minimum of 4 participants.

What is the DiSC Assessment?

– The DiSC Assessment is a personality profiling tool that helps individuals understand their behavior, communication style, and how they interact with others. It categorizes personalities into four main types: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness (DiSC). By identifying these traits, the assessment aids in improving teamwork, communication, and productivity by fostering greater self-awareness and understanding of others’ perspectives. Learn more.

Interested in Our Team Building woRKshops?

Contact us below for more details!