Unfamiliar Places

Are you experiencing an unfamiliar place today? Maybe that “unfamiliar place” is as drastic and obvious as living alone for the first time your life. Maybe it is a new job or new relationship. Maybe it’s a new home or property. I’m experiencing this type of “unfamiliar place” as I spend my first year here at Crossroads Ranch. This type of “unfamiliar” is easy for everyone to see. It’s easy to talk about and it’s easy for others to help you through it with encouraging words or advice.

But maybe your “unfamiliar place” is more subtle. Maybe it’s something that’s not as obvious and not as easy to talk about. Maybe you are feeling inadequate or “not enough” for the first time and you aren’t sure what to do. Maybe you are feeling depressed or anxious and this is not normal for you. Maybe you are feeling lonely even though you have people around you. These “unfamiliar places” are not easy to talk with others about. People can’t see these unfamiliar places as easily. I’m experiencing some of these “unfamiliar places” this year as well and it just doesn’t feel good. I can’t say I like it at all, honestly.

I am discovering, though, that it is in all these unfamiliar places that faith has the chance to grow. You do not need much faith to do what is already comfortable for you. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place right now, know that God is growing you and He is asking you to have faith. Lean into Him. Seek first the kingdom of God. He is calling you closer to Him. If you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Ask God for what you need and believe that He hears you and will provide according to His will (1 John 5:14-15). Don’t waste this unfamiliar time. Embrace it and let your faith grow in this unfamiliar place.


Stand at the Crossroads… and find rest for your soul (Jeremiah 6:16)

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