


Have you ever said things to yourself like….


“I can’t cook.”

“I’m not good at making things.”

“I’m not good with words.”

“I’ve always been negative. I was born that way.”


Did you know that the things you say to yourself have a way of becoming more and more true?  This happens partially because of your belief but even more so because saying it gives you an excuse to not make an effort to get better.


If I’m not currently a great cook, I say to myself and others, “I can’t cook” or “I’m not a good cook.”  Why, instead, don’t we say “I am becoming a better cook” and then buy some books, take a class, watch some YouTube videos and do the work to become a better cook.


Instead of saying, “I’m not good at making things.”  Why, instead, don’t we say “I’m ready to get better at making things” and then pick a project, watch some videos or talk to others who have done it, then get started and learn/improve as you go.


Do we make excuses rather than make an effort because we are lazy; because we are afraid we won’t be as good as another person; because we are afraid of judgment?  Whatever the reason, the point is if you try you CAN get better.  Even if you were 1% better every day, in 100 days you would be 100% better than you are today!!


I challenge you today to pay attention to what you say.  Find one negative thing that you say to yourself and STOP SAYING THAT.  Instead, re-phrase it into a “getting better” statement and then commit to 2 steps you will take toward getting better at that thing.


Here’s mine:

What I have been saying:  I can’t think of good blog post topics.

What I’m going to start saying: I’m getting better at finding good blog post topics.


My 2 steps:

  1. I will download a voice recorder app to my phone so that as I go through the day and I think of something interesting, all I have to do is quickly record it so I can go back later and write about it.
  2. I will commit to taking one of the topics that came to me during the week and writing/posting it.


Results I expect:  Life presents me with many interesting experiences that could become blog topics.  As I practice being aware of them, I will also be prepared to capture them via my voice recorder.  I will than have plenty of topics (and no more excuses) to write a weekly blog post!


It’s your turn!  I’d love to hear what you are going to STOP SAYING, what you are going to start saying and what steps you plan to take.


“As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”  Proverbs 23:7


–Find, Live & Protect Your Abundant Life

Crossroads Ranch

Weary Woman

I was having dinner with a friend last week. We were sharing the things that had been going on with our lives over the past month like girlfriends do.  She had been experiencing some difficult family trauma on many fronts and her tears were streaming as she told her stories.  Family illnesses that will likely end in lives being cut way too short and goodbyes you never dreamed would be said; family betrayals that would cause multiple years of future pain which feel impossible to recover from; the feelings of needing to stay strong for everyone else but really just wanting to be able to break down and cry…..and cry…..and cry.  Just let it out.

She said she just couldn’t explain how she felt. 

Then she finally said, “I feel so weary.”


That’s a word we don’t use much anymore. 

Physically or mentally exhausted – that’s the definition of weary.  Weary is not an emotion.  It is a state of mind or body. 

Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”  Matt 11:28

Then he follows that with “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” Matt 11:29

Wait a minute.  My friend is already over-burdened and crumbling under the weight of all that is happening and to give her rest, Jesus wants her to TAKE HIS YOKE too?  How is THAT going to help her find rest.  That makes entirely no sense!  This weary woman has all this burden, here, let her carry more…. Really?

But what is Jesus’ burden?  He says it is “easy to bear and is light.”  Matt 11:30

I believe the burden that Jesus is asking the weary to carry is FAITH.  Could you lay down your burden and pick up

  • faith that God’s ways are higher than our ways?
  • faith that God’s focus is in perfecting our character and not our comfort?
  • faith that you are a child of the most high God?
  • faith that He is with us wherever we go. He will not leave nor forsake us?
  • faith that this earthly life is not the end.  This is all just preparation for the next, eternal life?

Friends who are weary (and who isn’t these days?!), I pray that you will consider trading your weariness for the “burden” of faith in your Heavenly Father whose Spirit is all around us and IN us.  He is waiting to lead & guide the weary to rest in faith.


One year ago today – July 26, 2020 – I pulled into the driveway at 6740 McFarren Rd, Gosport and all I saw were weeds, overgrown bushes and a farm house that needed tons of work.  This was the farm I bought – without seeing it in person – while I was on my quest to Montana.  Buying the property was a huge leap of faith but I believed God was leading me to where He wanted me to be.  I’m not going to lie, after seeing the place for the first time, I cried myself to sleep wondering how I would ever be able to do this alone! I worried I had made the biggest mistake of my life.  After a pep talk from my son and some deep breathing, I pressed on.  My daily mantra was “Right here. Right now.  Don’t think about the past or the personal trauma. Focus on today and just do the next right thing.”  And somehow, through the grace of God and the help of many, many friends, the scary farmhouse and the weedy, overgrown property became Crossroads Ranch.  I went to Montana asking that God give me a purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  And He did!

I’m so glad my friend and business partner, Cynthia Hillenburg, and her mother Vicki Hillenburg saw the potential in this place when they came to look at it for me.  I probably would NOT have seen it had I been here – God knew I wouldn’t see it and maybe that was part of the reason He sent me to Montana.  And I’m extremely grateful for the spur of the moment assistance I received from a good friend (you know who you are) just as they were taking the last bids on the property.  Having this property/this purpose has saved my life.  I wish I could list all the people who helped me in some way but the list would be so long.  Thank you ALL.  I am humbled and will do my best to use Crossroads Ranch to impact many, many lives in a positive way.

A year can make a huge difference.  Last year at this time, I felt hopeless and lost.  This year I am so happy and grateful for Crossroads Ranch and for all the future possibilities. 


Before Pictures






After Pictures







As I sit here on my front porch this morning, I am hearing so many things – birds singing, far away traffic, frogs croaking and an occasional dog barking.  These are just the sounds of a country morning.  I hear them but what is it to LISTEN to them?  What would be the difference?  If I hear them, do I not also listen to them?


According to Webster, to hear is to simply be aware of noise – the noise of the bird, the traffic, the frog……the spouse, the child, the parent, the co-worker.  To listen, however, is more.  To listen means to be aware of the noise AND to give thoughtful consideration or attention to the meaning of that noise.   What does the noise the bird is making mean?  What does the noise’ my spouse, child, parent, co-worker mean?  Am I giving thoughtful consideration to that noise?  Am I able to combine the noise they are making (words) with their tone, their body movement, and their energy to understand what they need or want?  Am I able to remember the things that I have listened to and apply them so that our relationship grows stronger and deeper.

Loving someone means I will do more than hear them, I will listen.  I will work to understand, respond and remember so that our relationship is strengthened and is more enjoyable.  


If listening is a struggle for you or a loved one, join us on May 22 at Crossroads Ranch for our Listen & Love retreat where we will work in structured activities with horses to develop deeper listening skills.  No horse experience is needed.  Just come knowing that your future relationships can be strengthened by what you learn and experience here.



When you love you listen.  When you listen you love.


Unfamiliar Places

Are you experiencing an unfamiliar place today? Maybe that “unfamiliar place” is as drastic and obvious as living alone for the first time your life. Maybe it is a new job or new relationship. Maybe it’s a new home or property. I’m experiencing this type of “unfamiliar place” as I spend my first year here at Crossroads Ranch. This type of “unfamiliar” is easy for everyone to see. It’s easy to talk about and it’s easy for others to help you through it with encouraging words or advice.

But maybe your “unfamiliar place” is more subtle. Maybe it’s something that’s not as obvious and not as easy to talk about. Maybe you are feeling inadequate or “not enough” for the first time and you aren’t sure what to do. Maybe you are feeling depressed or anxious and this is not normal for you. Maybe you are feeling lonely even though you have people around you. These “unfamiliar places” are not easy to talk with others about. People can’t see these unfamiliar places as easily. I’m experiencing some of these “unfamiliar places” this year as well and it just doesn’t feel good. I can’t say I like it at all, honestly.

I am discovering, though, that it is in all these unfamiliar places that faith has the chance to grow. You do not need much faith to do what is already comfortable for you. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place right now, know that God is growing you and He is asking you to have faith. Lean into Him. Seek first the kingdom of God. He is calling you closer to Him. If you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Ask God for what you need and believe that He hears you and will provide according to His will (1 John 5:14-15). Don’t waste this unfamiliar time. Embrace it and let your faith grow in this unfamiliar place.


Stand at the Crossroads… and find rest for your soul (Jeremiah 6:16)

Goodbye 2020 – hello 2021! We are excitedly preparing for the new year here at Crossroads Ranch. We already have individual sessions with the horses scheduled with those who bought our Christmas package (8 sessions @ $30/session). What we are really excited about, though, are the monthly retreats we have planned. This ranch and our horses have been dedicated to the purpose of sharing with people the healing, peace, confidence and personal clarity that can come from time with these majestic animals. Job 12:7 says “Ask the animals and they will teach you.” We believe this – and have experienced it ourselves! We want you to experience it as well. So keep an eye on our calendar for retreat dates – or contact me directly if you would just like to come out and spend a little time away from the cares of the world! What cares would you like to escape from – even if just for an hour?? Let me know by commenting to this post! Thank you all and Happy New Year! – Tamra & Cynthia