

As I sit here on my front porch this morning, I am hearing so many things – birds singing, far away traffic, frogs croaking and an occasional dog barking.  These are just the sounds of a country morning.  I hear them but what is it to LISTEN to them?  What would be the difference?  If I hear them, do I not also listen to them?


According to Webster, to hear is to simply be aware of noise – the noise of the bird, the traffic, the frog……the spouse, the child, the parent, the co-worker.  To listen, however, is more.  To listen means to be aware of the noise AND to give thoughtful consideration or attention to the meaning of that noise.   What does the noise the bird is making mean?  What does the noise’ my spouse, child, parent, co-worker mean?  Am I giving thoughtful consideration to that noise?  Am I able to combine the noise they are making (words) with their tone, their body movement, and their energy to understand what they need or want?  Am I able to remember the things that I have listened to and apply them so that our relationship grows stronger and deeper.

Loving someone means I will do more than hear them, I will listen.  I will work to understand, respond and remember so that our relationship is strengthened and is more enjoyable.  


If listening is a struggle for you or a loved one, join us on May 22 at Crossroads Ranch for our Listen & Love retreat where we will work in structured activities with horses to develop deeper listening skills.  No horse experience is needed.  Just come knowing that your future relationships can be strengthened by what you learn and experience here.



When you love you listen.  When you listen you love.


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