
Goodbye 2020 – hello 2021! We are excitedly preparing for the new year here at Crossroads Ranch. We already have individual sessions with the horses scheduled with those who bought our Christmas package (8 sessions @ $30/session). What we are really excited about, though, are the monthly retreats we have planned. This ranch and our horses have been dedicated to the purpose of sharing with people the healing, peace, confidence and personal clarity that can come from time with these majestic animals. Job 12:7 says “Ask the animals and they will teach you.” We believe this – and have experienced it ourselves! We want you to experience it as well. So keep an eye on our calendar for retreat dates – or contact me directly if you would just like to come out and spend a little time away from the cares of the world! What cares would you like to escape from – even if just for an hour?? Let me know by commenting to this post! Thank you all and Happy New Year! – Tamra & Cynthia

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