
One year ago today – July 26, 2020 – I pulled into the driveway at 6740 McFarren Rd, Gosport and all I saw were weeds, overgrown bushes and a farm house that needed tons of work.  This was the farm I bought – without seeing it in person – while I was on my quest to Montana.  Buying the property was a huge leap of faith but I believed God was leading me to where He wanted me to be.  I’m not going to lie, after seeing the place for the first time, I cried myself to sleep wondering how I would ever be able to do this alone! I worried I had made the biggest mistake of my life.  After a pep talk from my son and some deep breathing, I pressed on.  My daily mantra was “Right here. Right now.  Don’t think about the past or the personal trauma. Focus on today and just do the next right thing.”  And somehow, through the grace of God and the help of many, many friends, the scary farmhouse and the weedy, overgrown property became Crossroads Ranch.  I went to Montana asking that God give me a purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  And He did!

I’m so glad my friend and business partner, Cynthia Hillenburg, and her mother Vicki Hillenburg saw the potential in this place when they came to look at it for me.  I probably would NOT have seen it had I been here – God knew I wouldn’t see it and maybe that was part of the reason He sent me to Montana.  And I’m extremely grateful for the spur of the moment assistance I received from a good friend (you know who you are) just as they were taking the last bids on the property.  Having this property/this purpose has saved my life.  I wish I could list all the people who helped me in some way but the list would be so long.  Thank you ALL.  I am humbled and will do my best to use Crossroads Ranch to impact many, many lives in a positive way.

A year can make a huge difference.  Last year at this time, I felt hopeless and lost.  This year I am so happy and grateful for Crossroads Ranch and for all the future possibilities. 


Before Pictures






After Pictures






9 thoughts on “In the beginning….

  1. I’m so glad you took that leap of faith and brought Crossroads into not only your life, but many others! It is such a wonderful place that is removed from the hustle and bustle of life.
    Every bug bite and itchy plant I came in contact with was so worth it. It was also a way to connect with something during the beginning of covid. What a wonderful blessing that keeps on blessing.

  2. You have done an amazing job with your little farm! Congratulations and it is easy to tell you are putting your heart and soul into it! Proud of you my friend!

  3. I am so very proud of you Tamra. God knows your inner strength. But he also knows he had to challenge you with the biggest battle you have faced. Like Job he never doubted you. He knew you would trust him and let him guide you. He knew you could see diamonds in the coal. You are an inspiration and an amazing woman with all the talent in the world. He knew you would trust him and do what was needed to make your dreams come true. Love you!

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